Indonesian Young Learners' Perception in Learning Demonstrative Pronoun and Indefinite Article Through English Songs

By: Rizki Ardiansyah, Reka Karlina, Mita Tri Ayu and Rani Butar-Butar

     Chilhood is a stage where the process of acquiring knowledge through many things that are seen by eyes then it is delivered through the brain to be knowledge. Childhood is always connected to children because they have a world to acquire something based on what they like. The way they learn something is unique as well because they learn based on interesting things.
     When it comes to children, they also tend to show up their emotion when they are learning. The understanding of characteristic of children must be understood by parents, teacher or other mature people so that the children can be easy to learn a science such as English language.
   English language is a foreign language that is taught at school or university. As a foreign language, every young learner in indonesia must learn the language so that they can get a lot of knowlege about it and be able to have a relationship with people oversease by using the language. The application of English language has been applied at elementary school. Young learners in Indonesia are usually introduced letters or words in English then the teachers teach them how to make some phrases until it be complete sentences in English.
  To teach English language for young learners need a particular treatment because the languange has many unfamiliar words that are rare to be spoken in Indonesia. As teachers in milenial era, giving a  particular treatment for young learners about English is something needed because teachers can use a lot of things to increase knowledge of young learners such as giving a song that is easy to sing for young learner by including  some materials in it. 
 Appliying English song with some materials in it has been done at Dusun Four Sugiharjo by collecting twenty-nine young learners whom their ages are about 7-10 years old. When one of the reseacher asked the young learners about demonstrative pronoun and indefinite article, the young learners had some perception that they have showed up. It can be proved when the reseacher asked the young learners by using a sentence '' do you know?'' The young learners have responed the question and it made them create some perception accidentally. 
   When it comes to perception, there are some opinion from experts about it. Prawira (2013 :62) reveals that perception is the way persons see the world by using senses or process of receipt of stimulus by individuals through the environment. Rahmat (2004 : 51) also states that perception is an experience about the object of an event or relationship obtained by gathering information and interpreting something based on human's brain. Meanwhile, Sarwono (2017 : 86) states that perception is the ability of somebody to differentiate, group, focus etc. He also added that perception happens when somebody receive stimulus from an area. Then, it is caught by eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue to be processed in the brain. In additional, Rahman (2013 : 48), states that perception is interpretation process to stimulus. 
  Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that perception is a process of delivering relevant information captured by senses from the environment. then it organized to human's mind to interpret, experience, and process everything that is happened in that environment. 
 Talking about young learners' perception of learning demonstrative pronoun and indefinite article, Some of the young learners revealed that they have already heard of demonstrative pronoun and Indefinite article but they didn't know how to apply the materials in writing English
  To make the young learners get knowledge about the materials, the reseachers made a way so that the materials can be aqcuired by the young learners esily. 
     By using a song with some materials in it is the best way for the young learners to study. Besides a song can make young learners' mood be happy, it can also make young learners acquire knowledge about the materials easily. 
    The reseach showed good result for young learners at Dusun Four Sugiharjo kecamatan Batang Kuis. They have already known how to use demonstrative pronoun and indefinite article.
   The reseacher used observation check list to know the perception of young learners at Dusun Four Sugiharjo Kecamatan Batang Kuis.

Prawira, P.A. 2012. Psikologi Umum Dengan Perspektif. Yogyakarta: Ar Ruzz Media.

Rahman, A.A. 2013. Psikologi Umum. Jakarta: Rajawali Press. 

Rahmat, J. 2004. Psikologi Komunikasi. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. 

Sarwono, SW. 2017. Pengantar Psikologi Umum. Jakarta: Rajawali Press.
