
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2020
Indonesian Young Learners' Perception in Learning Demonstrative Pronoun and Indefinite Article Through English Songs By: Rizki Ardiansyah, Reka Karlina, Mita Tri Ayu and Rani Butar-Butar      Chilhood is a stage where the process of acquiring knowledge through many things that are seen by eyes then it is delivered through the brain to be knowledge. Childhood is always connected to children because they have a world to acquire something based on what they like. The way they learn something is unique as well because they learn based on interesting things.      When it comes to children, they also tend to show up their emotion when they are learning. The understanding of characteristic of children must be understood by parents, teacher or other mature people so that the children can be easy to learn a science such as English language.    English language is a foreign language that is taught at school or university. As a foreign language, every young learner in indonesia m